Pilihanraya Umum 2013

Semalam aku melaksanakan tugas aku sbg rakyat Malaysia.
tugas untuk memilih siapa yg aku mahukan untuk menerajui pentadbiran Malaysia ni.
byk ketidakpuashati berlaku.
isu2 seperti pengundi bangla, blackout dsbg.
disebabkan aku x berada di tempat yg berlaku semua perkara tersebut, so I wont comment much.
I just read what people spread on the net.
However, my prinsip, internet bknlah sumber 100% fakta.
byk pihak blh manipulasi.
aku pun blh upload all kind of videos, tulis skit, org share, bende tu terus jadi viral.
tanpa selidik apa2 kalau bende tu betul, bettullah, tp kalau x, bende tu x psl2 jd fitnah.
what more i can say now is, FB is like a nest of all kind of rumors or information that there's no solid prove of it that being shared just because it suit with that person preference, views or preference.

this PRU13 also shows a lot of races sentiment being arise.
not just from other races but from malays themselves.
personally i dont really agree with the races sentiments.
actually it occurs in both. either malays, chinese or indians in this country.
for malays, we didnt understand chinese or indians language. so we dont know what kind of racist remarks that ever made to us. we only relied to our friends that understand the language that tell us and it does happened.
for malays also... malays like to naming chinese or indian with mean words.
i wont denied it as well...
it just the same and i dont agree with these kind of act too.

one of the reason why malaysians cant really be one.
we didnt really have that give and take actions anymore.
not like what our ancestors used to agree on when the Parti Perikatan is formed.

I can see why most youngsters especially the malays are choosing to siding with the opposition in this GE13. cara BN tadbir mmg ada quite a lot obvious flaws.
tentang rasuah, kroni dsbg. tetapi hakikatnya, perkara ni is an individual flaws.
I'm pretty sure dlm parti2 opposition pun, bribes, cronies are happening. a colleague used to say, it's about 'who eat the most' so that's practically mean, you're acknowledging that opposition party also berlaku corruption cuma x bsr.
corruption kecil, lama2 jd besar jgk. if you want to speak bersih, sepatutnyya bersih sebersihnya.
then again, this is politic.
as much as how dirty the entertainment biz are, POLITIC are no different.

so mcm mana kita nk fix this?
guna undang2 islam. gantikan system pentadbiran yg sedia ada.
pelaksanaan sistem pentadbiran islam adalah mmg solusi yg terbaik utk umat islam. terutama majoriti rakyat di negara ni. tetapi mcm mana pelaksanaannya dilakukan perlulah kite fikirkan.
negara islam pada zaman nabi Muhammad S.A.W dlu pun dilaksanakan dgn persetujuan dan toleransi oleh pemimpin2 bkn islam juga.

Hakikatnya, reality speaking.
kite negara berbilang bangsa, berbilang agama.
satu  keputusan dan toleransi harus dicapai.
mcm mana kite capai kata sepakat under parti Perikatan sebelum ini untuk merdeka, kite perlu lakukannya semula.

One reason why i cant choose the opposition is because, the contradiction statements of one party to another.
PAS nak laksanakan hudud, tp DAP x setuju.
even PKR pun x setuju.
ramai lg umat islam kat malaysia ni yg krg pengetahuan psl hudud. even me myself x arif sgt. to implement semua, SEMUA rakyat Malaysia. bkn shj yg muslim harus fhm mengenainya, tetapi bangsa lain jugak. Hudud is for everyone. the way it being implementation in a multiracial country that need to be think over.

aku pun x setuju cara MCA berkempen utk GE13 ni. mereka memperlekehkan hudud. my opposition colleague said dia x kisah pun kalau hudud di implemented because it only applied to Muslims. however, it's not. it will only create ketidakadilan jika sesuatu jenayah yg melibatkan muslim dan non muslim berlaku.
soalan skrg, bagaimana untuk mengaplikasikan hukum hudud di negara yg berbilang kaum yg boleh diguna pakai untuk semua. orang islam dan juga bkn islam.

people said ubah dulu, baru kite tau.
however, nak ubah pun kite kene tgk or predict the outcome first kan?

I admit that I'm not a person that open to change because I'm still mempertimbangkan baik buruk sesuatu perubahan itu. However, sekarang ni these kind of uncertainty from the PR that refrain me from ubah.

penyokong2 PAS kata "kenapa pusat2 hiburan dan kilang arak wujud?" "Ini semua salah kerajaan UMNO/BN la tolak Islam"
hakikatnya, jika Pakatan Rakyat dpt memerintah, adakah kilang2 arak, penjualan arak, pusat2 hiburan akan ditutup serta merta?
kite hidup dlm negara multiracial. arak dan pusat2 hiburan tu, sbg seorang islam, dah tau tempat dan minuman itu bkn utk kite. HARAM utk kita. org islam sendiri perlu tahu. pilihan pd kite. nak pilih jalan haram, dekati perkara2 tu, xnak pilih, jauhi. Simple. ini semua ujian buat umat islam dalam negara bercampur sebegini.

this GE13, parti PAS mng 21 kerusi parlimen krg drpd PRU sblm ni.
dptkah PAS memberi kata putus sekiranya ditakdirkan PR mng? antara slh satu perkara yg menyedihkan saya, some of other races said that, Islam PAS lebih baik dari Islam BN/UMNO. sbg seorg islam, saya tahu, kite dah kalah dlm melaksanakan tgs sbg org Islam utk memperkenalkan Islam itu sendiri. kerana keislaman kite dibezakan melaui parti politik kite. wujudkah Islam Pas atau Islam BN/UMNO? sedangkan Islam itu hanya satu.

bkn senang nak senangkan hati semua org. msg2 ada keinginan msg2.
the uncertainty, the inconsistent of statements, the doubtful manifesto that make me cant choose the opposition as the ruling party for this country.
until they truly and really really sepakat atas satu panji, atas satu visi dan misi then probably i will reconsider my position.
I'm being like this because saya pun pemerhati.

like in this GE13, people wonder kenapa BN still winning tho it's a close win.
put aside those "blackout" things. i'm saying this because we didnt know how true about the blackout things right? if it's really proven then it should be reported.
people said BN won was kinda fishy because people always said want to UBAH etc.
I just wonder if these people forget the silent majority that just seat aside and watch and observe.
not to forget the veteran people...
the veteran people that still alive. those that bersusah payah membantu meningkatkan kemajuan negara ini pd zmn terdahulu.
org yg silent majority ni, even if they're present in the alam maya, or on the internet, they just keep silent and watch people here and there, sharing stuffs and observe how true things that being shared.
things that being shared on the internet, how much 100% truth to it?
where does the source came?
mana2 phk sekalipun, sharing things that can lead to FITNAH, perlulah di selidik dahulu.

and if ever i speak about my own race, the Malays, I'm not trying to be racist or anything. I just want my own race bangun setanding dgn other races to improve our life and economy agar kite tidak tertinggal cause i know, one of the problem lies among my own race as well. we're so layu...
and jgnlah asyik kite tnya apa the gov have done for us or give us but ask how much we can contribute to the country also.
haruslah kite bangun, create our own life economy. jgn bergantung pd sesiapa. Ikhlaskan diri. buat utk agama, bangsa dan negara. ambil semua peluang yg sudah terbuka luas disediakan utk kita. jgn ambil mudah semuanya.
bende ada. jika nak cuba menceburi bidang perniagaan, cari semua peluang. kalau sebelum ni x tau, skrg ambil tau. if we want to change, change dari diri sendiri. InsyaAllah. -peringatan ini utk diri saya sendiri juga-

sure the wrongdoings are still wrongdoings that need to be take note and actions should be taken to it to make this country be a better country. sama-samalah kite and when ACTION it's mean action. not just by sharing stuff on FB but a true action. cari dan selidik. kemukakan laporan.

Semoga upcoming 4/5 years, mana yg tak baik tu, BN dpt buang dan create kerajaan yg bersih utk rakyat. jaga imej kerajaan. laksanakan Aku Janji tersebut. dgn cara yg lebih baik, BN mungkin dpt mng hati rakyat semula. Perjuangan ini baru bermula.
InsyaAllah demi Agama, Bangsa dan Negara Malaysia tercinta.

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