My Words / Madah Diri Ini
Cuaca sejuk...
Angin yang mendayu-dayu
Alunan muzik haegeum menggamit suasana ini
Anak-anak kucing berlari mencari tempat
Takut jika terkena air hujan
Bau hujan yang menenangkan
Awan hitam yang semakin putih
Telah mengeluarkan isinya
Membasahi bumi seksyen 6 ini
Kubiarkan tempias hujan kena pada badanku
Sudah lama tidak merasa suasana begini
Miraliyana, 13 May 2022
Shine so bright today
I've seen most of you since I was a child
But now I'll be 32 this year
You're still shining when it's time
The smell of after rain
The sky with less clouds
You shine the brightest when I see you
Your light have died
But only now I can see you
You might shine dimly
But my eyes still caught you
I know that some of you are not out there anymore
You've been replaced with new ones
Still shine brightly
I may not know all of you
But I see you
I felt calm seeing you
You bring comfort to me
Being accompanied by my 3 black cats
Seeing you up there
Help me stretch myself at this late hour
I wore glasses
Sometimes, some of you were block by my heat
Heat that clouded my glasses
But once it's clear
I can still catch the glimpse of some of you
Listening to some songs
Watching you
Writing about you
This is really comforting
Thank you, Stars
Written by Miraliyana, 8 Jan 2022
life requires goalor maybe goals
since we human are greedy :P
what's our goal to live on this world?
what's our goal after graduate?
what's our goal after we married?
what's our goal after we have family?
what's our goal in our career?
questions that keep circling me
what is my life goal?
what is my career goal?
am I happy after I reached all of these goals?
does goal affecting our life so much?
i'm not that greedy
or i'm not that ambitious
but people said to be successful you need to be ambitious
then, what's the definition of successful then?
is having a lot of knowledge is considered successful?
is having one great career is considered successful?
is having good skill that we major in is considered successful?
is having a lot of money is considered successful?
are all of these the criteria to be successful?
if ever one of this is reached am I being considered as successful?
will i be happy if I am successful with all of these?
too abstract
reality said, money make you a successful and happy person in this world
there's more to it
there's more to just being successful in terms of materials
there's just more to it
there's more on this road
there's more on the side road of this road
there's more to it
i just need to find it
Goal - 인간 (In Gan), 28th February 2014, 1:32am
Some people may have it
Some may not
But I have
Probably few of it
Always wearing it
Every morning I wore one
The masquerade change from circumstances to circumstances
Those who didnt have to wear it
I'm jealous of them
Is masquerade really needed?
I can't took it off somehow
Am I the only weirdo that wearing it?
Oh masquerade...
Somehow you are really useful
I don't feel contented having to wear you
You're really helpful
Yet I really want to take you off
Is it okay?
I don't have that courage
to let you go
I dont know when I started wearing you
I myself didnt even realized it
Thanks for always be there with me tho
this coward being
I dont have that courage
To let them see me
That's why you're helpful
Thank you
I know
I have to eventually let you go
Until that time come
Always be a good companion to me
Masquerade - 인간 (In Gan), 10th October 2013, 2:07am
Sometimes, you feel like it’s bored to live like this
Sometimes, you want to run away from this kind of life
Well, that’s life
Life that you just can’t run from
Instead of run, you deal with it
Is run the only answer for every questions???
Maybe yes and maybe no
Why must one have to deal with this kind of problem?
Why must one have to deal with this sort of ‘disasters’?
One have to get through the life that have been destined for them…
Get through with it then one can learn the true meaning of life..
Life - 인간 (In Gan), 16 February 2010 at 02:37