2024 IU H.E.R World Tour Concert in Bangkok
Just as per my last post, my plan for this week is to try ticketing for IU's concert in Bangkok. This is my first time I'm trying for a ticketing in 2024. Sacrificed my sleep after Sahur to do the ticketing. Even before the ticketing start at 12PM Malaysia time, the server has died before it even begin. Many people couldn't access to the website. Somehow with my 3 devices that I'm using, PC and Ipad has died. Only phone still alive and already start countdown. But my phone one has started the countdown and still alive tho... pic.twitter.com/xrJIkZvuUT — 살아있으니까...🐥❤️🔥🫶🫣 (@miraliyana) March 30, 2024 Around a couple of minutes after that, then only the site is alive back. PC and Ipad are working well too. Then, the time strike to 12PM. Damn! All devices are giving me 418 error. The heavy traffic has paralysed the whole website. To be quite honest, I kinda expect this when they first said that there won't be queue system to buy the tickets. And it's prove...